Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Birds are so hoot right now!!

There seems to be bird related items everywhere at the moment!! This awesome shop stocks some awesome stuff, and you guessed it, with lots of things with birds in mind!!  Here are just a few delights that they offer, among thousands of wicked things!!



Stoked Danielle won NZ's next top model!!

She was hilarious the whole series and took really good photos! I'm so glad she won!! The other 2 were gorgeous too, but Danielle definitly has the 'x' factor! It's in the 'kete' bro!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Super cute halloween costumes for bubs!

Why are babies dressed up as animals so darn cute?? Available from

Awwwwwww baby koala's!!!

Here are some pic's of my trip to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane!! They have so many cool aussie animals, but heaps of koala's! Did you know koala's sleep for upto 22 hours a day!! Here are some of
the little lazy lumps:


                                    Check out the above one's eyelashes!! so unfair!!

Delicious discoveries on my stroll round Vancouver!!

I stayed with my great aunt Ethel in Vancouver in 08, and came across this pretty little cupcake shop!! Such cute names and presentation!! I also found a shop selling these cool toffee apples!!

                                  Hook me up with an oreo smothered toffe apple thanks!!

GLAM Halloween: Purple & Lime Green // Hostess with the Mostess®

                                          This amazing halloween set-up is so cool!!

                         GLAM Halloween: Purple & Lime Green // Hostess with the Mostess®

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Crazy for Corgi's

Are corgi's not the cutest lil dogs around?!? Ok, there are other cute dogs, I know, but ever since I've had wee Lulu I have had a soft spot for corgis! Especially if they're a mish mash of corgi and something else!!

Wordle is choice!

Wordle is a sweet site, that lets you muddle up lots of words and decorate them how you please. You can use them for invitations as well as writing bout your favourite people!!

In honour of my first official follower!!!!

                                       Some random Ella things!!! Go Ella!! Lead the way!!!!!!!

Some More S'mores in this here land!!!

I have such great memories as a child going on brownie camps in Germany with my American-led brownie group and toasting s'mores!! they are sooooooooo delicious!! I feel NZ should embrace the S'more!! We are so missing out!! And kiwi's go camping! Lots! Here's a tasty recipe!!


  • graham crackers (kiwi's could use digestives)
  • chocolate bars (plain hersheys is best for that real american flavour!!)
  • marshmallows (the biggest fluffiest one's you can find!!)


Stick through a stick and toast on a campfire or:

Place graham crackers on baking sheet. Put 1 square of chocolate on each cracker. Place a marshmallow on each piece of chocolate. Put in a 350° oven for 4 to 6 minutes, just long enough to melt marshmallow and soften the chocolate. Remove from oven and put another graham cracker on top to make a sandwich.

Super Sarnies!!

How darling are these sandiwches from the net!! Would make me eat up right away if I was a munchkin!!

                                               So cute!! Would make me eat all my greens!!

Crafty Supply - Fabrics, Paper, Ribbon, Stationery, Zakka, Handmade, Button, Tape, Sticker

Awesome lil online craft store. Selling allsorts of gorgeous stuff!! I want it all!!!!!!!!!! Go to their store and have a look!!!

Crafty Supply - Fabrics, Paper, Ribbon, Stationery, Zakka, Handmade, Button, Tape, Sticker

Ever wanted to create your own chocolate bar??

Chocri....dreamt up in that can't be bad!! an amazing company!!! you can create any sort of chocolate bar you ever dreamed of!! I reckon they would make awesome lil christmas gifts!!


Budget buys I love : SATIN LACE PANEL DRESS
More Forever 21 Love :)


I wish Forever 21 would open a store here in NZ!! Its so cheap and so great!!!! Please!!!!!!

One week till my holiday!!! Oh man I can't wait!!!!!

I got a super amazing deal to Singapore, so am jetting off with my 3 besties, Ang, Shimmie and Nigel! We're hitting Singapore, Phuket and KL!! In the mean time, here are some pics to keep me going!!

Amaya's first birthday cupcakes

So my buddy Jo asked me to make some candyland-themed cupcakes for her daughter Amaya's 1st birthday. Here is what I came up with :)

I heart vintage children's books!

I'm so obsessed with vintage children's books at the mo!! I can't get enough!! They are so adorable and beautiful. I'm going to get my mits on as many as I can. Not only do they look awesome, they are super sweet stories from simpler days. Here are a few gorgeous ones from the net..